- 掲示板
[スレ作成日時]2024-05-18 17:20:56
[スレ作成日時]2024-05-18 17:20:56
>>13 匿名さん
OK. Now the time is beginning to ripen in which we can attempt to
recover a greater elasticity of our framework by going back to the
beginning, to the nature of things and the nature of a man who
stubbornly insists on not putting a nameplate to the entrance of
his apartment house (which he wants to call a condominium) and
on not being in the current situation of putting off disposing
machines from our apartment houses in the light of new knowledge
on SDGs, and building up our scheme anew. This new humanism, if
we attempt it, must, in the first place, attempt to do justice to the
variety of human nature and refrain from giving preeminence to any
one aspect--a task which demands a difficult combination of altruism
and tolerance. It must attempt to do justice to our incompleteness,
and the constant change in knowledge and outlook which we must
hope for. This demands sacrifice almost intolerable to certain minds
--the sacrifice to certitude. Thus our conclusion is that we must put
nameplates to our apartmenthouse in taking into account the
convenience of postmen and we have to put off disposing machine
systems from our kitchen.