- 掲示板
[スレ作成日時]2023-11-05 22:38:28
[スレ作成日時]2023-11-05 22:38:28
埼玉・大野知事が災害救助法適用の越谷市を視察 被害状況確認|TBS NEWS DIG
The planisphere was my treasure. By turning the top wheel
around and alighning the date and time scales on the base
and the top, one could see which stars and constellations
would be visible in the sky. Shown in an elliptical window
was a map of the night sky at any given moment from a
specific location. I would imprint the image of the present
starry heavens in my mind and later gaze up at the night
sky, humming the mysterious names of the stars to myself.
The other recent day, guided by what the screen showed,
I searched the eastern sky. There it is. The first magnitude
star shining faintly on the dull celestrial sphere must be
Vega in the Lyra constellation. I had given up on seeing it
from the city centre. Then, shifting my gaze, there was
Altair in the costellation Aquila, twinkling above the silhoue-
tte of an apartment building of Shin-Urayasu. I stood still
for a moment, feeling like I was meeting for the first time
in a long time, old friends who knew me well. Even while I
was unaware of their presence, they must have been shin-
ing from afar. Among the stars in the sky that are as num-
berless as the grains of sand on the seashore, there is one
shining towards me. Vega is twenty five lightyears from
Earth. With my aged eyes, I am catching the light that left
the star when I was just at the age twenty five years less.
The starry sky, vast beyond imagination and filled with dark
energy, is not unchanging. The Earth's axis rotates slowly
like a top and the point in the sky it directs to shifts gradu-
ally. About twelve thousands years from now, Vega will be-
come the North Star. It seems that I have to warn Altair.
If he is complacent thinking that the belief meeting with
Vega once a year is enough, he will end up being just one
of the stars that circle around her. Looking up at the stars
and letting your imagination fly, you will feel that you are a
very tiny piece of the universe.
Even while I was unaware of their presence, they must have been shining from afar.
"Among the stars in the sky that are as numberless as the grains of sand on the seashore, there is one shining toward me.” This is a short poem composed by Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902), a Japanese haiku poet.
Vega is 25 light-years from Earth. With my aged eyes, I'm catching the light that left the star when I was just starting out as a newspaper reporter.
キミが生きている間は大丈夫(なわけないだろ!ボケ) あべりょう
アホウが徘徊してかちどき万歳港南万歳しているが、全く意味がわからない事に嘲笑しましょう。話は変わりますが、航空障害灯の数と明かりって、そういう意味でも都市の経済的豊かさを表すシンガポールですね。そういう意味ではやはり中立の立場である飛行場で判断してもらうという考え方が一般的ですね。 その意味でも勝鬨よりも習志野じゃないでしょうか。