>>4580 匿名さん
Some of the main contenders include the following:
プラウド御茶ノ水 (In terms of location this place is amazing; not having trash deposits on each floor is a bit annoying, and the number of units are limited so there's likely to be a lot of competition. Also, the largest rooms are quite small by comparison, with only slightly over 100m2 of space.)
パークコート千代田一番町 (This one looked amazing on the official website, but I went and saw it in person and it's literally right next to the neighboring buildings. Although it may have some rooms that are 134.02m2, it seems like there are a lot of "chikensha," and so many of the good units are not even up for sale.)
プラウドタワー目黒MARC (This building has several spacious rooms with really tall ceilings (up to 3.15m) on the top floors and nice views; the main downsides are the noise from airplanes and the train if you open your windows and, for some people, the distance to the train station.)
ブランズ上目黒諏訪山(There's only one room left here, which is a nice size (131.33m2), but it looks directly into the neighboring apartment. Also, they annoyingly have a Western-style genkan with no step-up.)
パークホームズ三軒茶屋一丁目 (The building design is unique, and there is one unit that is 130m2, but it is much further out from central Tokyo.)
ブランズタワー芝浦 (They had units that were 125.15m2, but the layout is bizarre, especially in the living room, and it's a bit difficult to commute from Shibaura.)
三田ガーデンヒルズ (This place has extremely large units, but it is also likely going to be extremely expensive. Also, having lived in Azabu Jyuban and Minami Azabu before, I'm not a huge fan of the area as (I feel that) it's a bit pretentious. Additionally, as mentioned previously, I've heard rumors that it may be difficult for foreigners to buy into this building.)
WORLD TOWER RESIDENCE (As mentioned above, I was *really* looking forward to this one, but it looks like there will be only one room with more than 100m2, and (like Suwayama) it appears to have taken the Western approach of not having a proper genkan. Also, the layouts in many of the units are weird (e.g., having the shower room right off the genkan). It will really come down to pricing and competitiveness of the 148m2 unit here, which we likely won't know until next March.)