>>3057 購入経験者さん
誤解があるようですね、僕が持っているカードは海外の銀行さんが発行しているブラックカードです。年会費は日本円換算で大体12万です。目当てはPriority Passと様々な旅行サポートです。会社規程で5時間以内のフライトはエコノミーがムストなので(日本語が下手なので英語に切り替えます: sry cannot tell you which Ibank I'm in, but we do have a 5hours flight policy when we travel on biz, so a PP card can help lot and premium credit card also compensates when the flight gets delayed, and etc.)
Why would someone pay at least 6 times more than Econ class for B class when you are on trip? Especially when you pay your own money for the trip. I would pay the bclass tickets for my parents as they won't stand for a long haul flight, while I think at least my gf and I can bear a 10hr flight in Economy seats without any problem.
Of course it is your freedom to think I'm bluffing, just want the readers to understand that ibanker are not living in a fantasy world. We live like normal salary-man as there is no need to show off. And check out how much Princeton will charge your kids in the future if you have one, better to save your money in a wise way.
I don't care wether you could write in Japanese or English but this BBS should basically be opened for anyone would like to discuss in Japanese so if you think your writing skill in Japanese is not good enough, go away!! No one is interested in your stupid story.
BTW, C-class(so-called business class) tickets are normally about 4-times more than Y-class, not 6-times more though, FYI.
>>3060 購入経験者さん
Why should I step away? It's my freedom to write whatever I want here. And dont you think it is exteremlu rude to say other's experience stupid? STOP pouring your complains.
Fair enough. US firms are relatively better TC still compared to European?
Actually same industry and am front office as well. As u know we are under pressure at mom like Socgen announced potential layoffs over thousands. Besides digitalization surely breaks legacy which was partly benefit for us ... am wondering till when I can keep trading,job or when I have to decide to change jobs. Let's survive to be last man standing!!
Bankers, Traders...they are simply moving other peoples money, in the name of investments, so-called commission based business but in fact, they produce NOTHING spontaneously. It is the worst and shameful job people can imagine. 恥を知れ。